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Author Guidelines


General guidelines

Articles are to be written in the APA style. APA guidelines are as follows: articles should be in double-space, 12 pt. and Times New Roman font is required. Have a page header as the running head at the top of each page. It is essential that your article consists of
1) Title Page
2) Abstract
3) Main Body
4) References and correspondingly contains Keywords and Figures and Tables (if any). The length of the article is recommended to be 5000-8000 words.


Title page

The title page should consist of:
– Informative title of the article
– Name of the author
– Institutional affiliation



Please provide a brief and concise gist of your article and have your abstract between 150-250 words. Authors may list their keywords in italics in the abstract section. Nevertheless, the author should introduce readers the topic, purpose of the research, primary results and major conclusions you drew.



The article should be divided into subsections. Subsections should be numbered as follows: 1.1,
1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, etc. The abstract is not included in the section numbering. Subsections could
have brief headings to lead the reading. Headings should have their own line.



If authors are to use abbreviations that is not common in the field, provide a footnote that will be used to reference when needed. This will appear on the first page of the article.



Please provide 5-6 keywords at the end of your abstract for indexing purposes.



The title page of the article is the place to acknowledge who helped during the research (assisting in formatting the article, proofreading, providing sources, etc.)


Figures and Tables

If the author may have any figures and tables, he/she is permitted to submit it in both text and image (choose one). Figures and tables can be placed next to the relevant text or at the end of the article. Nonetheless, number the figure/table sequentially corresponding to their appearance in the article and provide a brief text under the figure/table.



As stated in the general guidelines, referencing must be done according to the APA style. Please confirm that any material cited in the text of the article is also present in the reference list.


Submission Guidelines

Articles are to be submitted to the chief editor of the journal via email. Instructions for authors
can be found under the Author Guidelines tab. Each article will be reviewed by two-three
editors/reviewers from the editorial board or from outside. Articles will be reviewed and edited
by the editors who are experts in the respective field the article is submitted. In case of any
revisions, the articles will be sent back to their authors and will be reviewed once again by the
editors. There will be a systematic review and a publication policy the journal will follow.
– The submitted article is acknowledged within a 1-2 day period.
– The article is sent to two-three editors. The review process takes maximum one month.
– The review reports are collected from the reviewers and the chief editor will send the
review reports to the authors including all terms and conditions of the publication.
– If the paper is accepted, the chief editor will ask the author to pay the publication fee of
the journal within the specified time. If the paper is accepted subject to modification, the
chief editor will send the review reports to the author including a formal request to
modify the paper by one week as per the suggestions of the editors. The executive author
will send the modified paper to the same editors of the article to ensure changes were
made and ready for publication.
– Proof Reading. The chief editor will send the processed article for publication to the
author for proof reading.
– The paper is published online. The chief editor will notify the author about online


Publication Fee

The publication processing fee per article is 500 USD. Scholarships are available under certain
circumstances, please contact the chief editor for more information on scholarship at


Copyright and Licensing

The author retains the copyright for published articles, with first rights granted to the journal. The journal operates under its own licensing system, which permits attribution, sharing, and partial or complete publishing, provided proper credit is given to the journal and the references are cited. It is not the responsibility of IJI to keep track of the published article. If the author wishes to maintain their rights, it is their responsibility to do so.



International Journal of Islam has a firm plagiarism policy. IJI believes in honest behavior in
academic affairs and that not giving credit to the work of someone else is unfair, hence,
academic dishonesty will not be tolerated by the journal. Proper citation must be used according to the APA format. Please refer to additional resources to gain better knowledge on citing properly. The journal withholds the ultimate right to not publish any work that has been


Open Access Policy

The International Journal of Islam provides immediate open access to all its content, based on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Our journal’s content is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

No subscription or payment is required to access our articles. Our goal is to disseminate knowledge widely and ensure that scholarly work is accessible to everyone.

By submitting an article to the International Journal of Islam, authors agree to the terms of this open access policy.