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May 2024 - Content

  • The Ramadan Fast, Jihad, and Hizmet in the World of Fethullah Gulen – Ori Z Soltes
  • When things have to fall apart – Wardah Alkatiri
  • Coping with a New Liminal Life: White Converts to Islam – Katherine Bullock
  • Ikhtilāf Before and After the Age of Taqlīd – Mourad Laabdi


Ikhtilāf Before and After the Age of Taqlīd - Mourad Laabdi


Coping with a New Liminal Life: White Converts to Islam - Katherine Bullock


The Ramadan Fast, Jihad, and Hizmet in the World of Fethullah Gulen – Ori Z Soltes


When things have to fall apart – Wardah Alkatiri